Kamis, 28 April 2011

English Teacher Profiles

About 3 days ago I visited my high school. There, I met with my English teacher to conduct interviews in order to do this softskill task. He is Mr Nurhayat. Below is a brief profile about him.

Name                                    : Mr. Nurhayat S.pd
Place and date of birth           : Ciamis , 14 December 1967
Adress                                  : Tangerang
Profession                             : Teaching English Lessons in 11 Senior High School Jakarta

1973 – 1979                         : SDN 1 Taman Jaya
1979 – 1981                         : SMPN 1 Ciamis
1981 – 1984                         : SMAN Ciamis Jawa Barat
1986 – 1990                         : FPBS at UHAMKA / UMJ

Here is my little conversation with him .

·         Me                         : Previously I appreciate you doing this interview. Jump to question Sir, how long have you become an English teacher?
·         Mr. Nurhayat          : I teach since 1990, so it was about 21 years I taught English lessons. But I officially became a civil servant in 1998 .
·         Me                         : What is the reason you choose English departement when you  go to university?
·         Mr. Nurhayat          : Because English is my favorite subject when I was in school, and when I entered university I intend to depth again. I majored in English education because my dream since childhood is to become a teacher. Another reason I took this department  because very important in the current era of globalization and English language is also the key for get info and as a universal communication tool .
·         Me                         : Before teaching at SMAN 11, where you been teaching Sir ?
·         Mr. Nurhayat         : I had been a teacher at SMK  in West Jakarta, Teaching at Junior High School in the area of ​​Bekasi, and in 1999 I began teaching at SMAN 11.
·         Me                         : how do you suggest for teaching? especially teaching in SMAN 11?
·         Mr. Nurhayat        : many fun things that I feel. the students here is good and diligent. teachers who also teaching here are  friendly. but because of my home far away by SMAN 11, at 5 am I had to leave home to go to school on a motorbike. and when it rained, I had to take the bus from home to be able to come on time.
·         Me                         : As long as you teach english, what the barriers that often you come across Sir ?
·         Mr. Nurhayat       : barriers that I experienced when teaching in the classroom is when students learn not serious, and sometimes there is underestimate me. I'm not the type of stern teacher, maybe that's what causes them sometimes less polite to me.
·         Me                         : there are also constraints faced by students?
·         Mr. Nurhayat        : Many of the constraints faced by learners as learning English is an interest among learners who are still less . This could be due to not finding a nice impression so saturated and bored.
·         Me                         : So , how to overcome these obstacles ?
·         Mr. Nurhayat        : I think English education program not only provides debriefing to teach English but also learn how to convey the material in different ways and fun so that they can build a motivation to learn English with feeling comfortable and stay focused on the overriding goal of give education.
·         Me                         : Okay thank you for your willingness to do this interview Sir. Forgive me if I make a mistake.
·         Mr . Nurhayat         : You’re welcome. I hope what I say can be useful for you.

Senin, 04 April 2011

Membuat Tulisan (Puisi)

Keluhan Atau Perubahan

Dalam sunyi dipagi hari
Hanya kicau kecil burung menemani
Kecil seperti semangat yang hampir padam

Sampai kapan akan menunggu
Sampai berubah
Sampai waktu terus berlalu...

Tidak bosankah kau hanya mengeluh
Menyanyikan keluhan
Mengharap belas kasih
Untuk sebuah perubahan tanpa tindakan

Pasti dan selalu ada cara
Untuk mencari uang
Badai pasti datang
Dan kita pasti menang

Complaints Or Change

In the quiet morning
Only a small chirping birds accompany
Small like a spirit that is almost extinguished

How long to wait
Until changed
And time flies

Are not you tired of just complaining
Singing complaint
Expect compassion
For a change without action

Definite and there is always a way
To earn money
The storm must have come
And we must win